My Childbirth Experience with Mt Alvernia

At around 36 weeks, my gynae gave the option to have induction at 38 weeks as he said that my cervix was favourable (3 cm dilated) and my baby is at a healthy weight of about 3 kg. He was worried that my petite frame would not be able to deliver naturally if my baby grows bigger, and that placenta may be old.

I am not keen in induction as I really wanted my childbirth to be as natural as possible. I believe that God created a woman’s body in such a way that we can deliver babies naturally. And we women have been doing that since the start of mankind right? I also did not want epidural as I am inspired by my mother who gave birth naturally without any painkillers at the age of 42.

I waited and waited (with many pineapples and exercises) but there was no contractions so we decided to induce exactly at week 40. I was afraid the baby would be too big if I wait any longer, and also afraid that he might eat his own meconium.

Still eating pineapple on the way to the hospital..

Looking back, I’m still not sure if it was the best decision though I am thankful that the baby is delivered safely.

Day of Delivery

We went to the hospital in the morning and the first thing the nurse did was to clear my bowel. She squirted some liquid into my rectum. It wasn’t painful but very uncomfortable. I felt every dignity as a human being was gone as I was stripped naked and laid on the bed, waiting to be butchered. Before I can hid myself in embarrassment from being naked, she checked on my cervix dilation which was super painful.

The delivery ward… It was so cold!
Everything happened so quickly.

Next, she strapped me with contractions and baby heartbeat monitor. I cannot remember whether my waterbag was broken first or the nurse inserted IV drip to kick start the contraction.

The contractions came in quickly though I felt no pain initially. I saw the monitor showing peaks that represent contractions but I could still function normally (talk to my husband, watch TV, whatsapp etc). I hate the IV drip though, as it made me immobile. But all is good, I have about 1 cm dilation every hour.

After an hour of drip, the contractions were 3 min apart and last about 1 min each time. The pain was still bearable though I started sniffling my lavender essential oil.

After 3 hours, the contractions intensified very quickly and I thought I was ready for birth. I asked for laughing gas and kept sniffling the essential oil like a drug addict. The contractions last about 1 min and about 1.5 min apart. I asked the nurse to check for my dilation a few times but she was impatient and said that she was busy. She also told me to stop screaming so loudly and that I should just take an epidural like the others. My husband and I were really furious with her response though I was too exhausted and in so much pain to do anything. Little did I know that this is the start of my poor experience with Mt Alvernia.

After 4 hours, I was 7cm dilated and the pain was really unbearable. My whole body felt weak and shivering. My husband could no longer read his book as he was busy holding the laughing gas or essential oil for me (contractions came every 30 seconds!). Some say the pain is 1000 times of menses cramp. I did not experience menses cramp so all I can say is it was worse than my appendicitis pain. I could still walk to hospital by myself with the appendicitis pain but for this 8cm contractions? My whole body was trembling while I gripped the hospital bed so tightly that I thought it would break.

After 6 hours, contractions were still stuck at 8 cm and I was trembling so much that I thought I would faint from exhaustion. My husband told me just get epidural as the pain would be much worse later on and I succumb to it.

The anesthetist came within 30 minutes and when he came I thought I saw God! In my mind I was like “save me from this suffering!”.

The whole epidural procedure was very fast and I managed to control my shivering even at 8 cm contractions. The effect was very fast and I could not feel any pain at all! I felt foolish not taking epidural earlier! The side effects came fast too, my body was cold and trembling.

Soon after the epidural, the fetal heart beat dropped to 70 (normal baby heartbeat is about 150).   Suddenly the gynae said “bring me the oxygen mask.” I inhaled very deeply, recalling what I learnt in yoga classes. Thankfully, the heartbeat was up in a minute.

After 7 hours, the gynae said I can push now! Since I couldn’t feel any contractions, I had to listen to the nurse’s command to push.

I used all my strength to push, but the baby seems to be stuck. Once again, my gynae decisively asked for vacuum (which he later told me that he was thinking between vacuum or c-section).

The nurse switched on the vacuum before it was placed properly which made my gynae flared at her as it could be dangerous for the baby. I was really pissed but I had no energy to do anything. That’s the second poor experience.

With the vacuum, it took about 3-5 pushes and viola! The baby was out!

I was so exhausted by now and forgot to ask for skin to skin contact. The nurses did not suggest skin to skin and I believe this could be the reason why my supply was low initially. That’s the third poor experience.

Baby’s weight was unexpectedly high at 3.82kg. I could still remember the gynae saying “if I knew he is so heavy, definitely a caesarean for you.”

The sewing was quite long as the episiotomy wound is big. Before the sewing was done, another nurse came in and told us that the baby is now in NICU as his cries did not sound normal and also because I have GBS. I thought his cries were normal when he was in the delivery ward? That’s the fourth poor experience.

And yes there’s a fifth poor experience. The nurse insisted on taking my blood immediately so that she can quickly send in the cord blood to SCBB the same day. She poked freaking 3 times but no blood was drawn out. She apologised briefly and said I probably lost too much blood from the delivery and will try again the next ay.

My arm was so bruised because of her. ☹

My thoughts on induction and epidural?

I think both my body and baby were not ready for birth yet. The contractions were too fast too furious due to the induction and I could not move around to reduce the pain due to the IV drip. I’m not sure if it is because my baby is heavy or is it because he is not ready and hence required the vacuum.

The good thing is, since he is so heavy, I might not be able to deliver vaginally if I had waited any longer.

My baby… No love at first sight but I love you more and more each day.

I might not be able to deliver vaginally if I did not have epidural as the baby is so big and my body is so petite.

Vaginal or caesarean, I think the most important thing is for both mother and baby to be safe. And I’m very thankful that I have that.

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