Best and Worse Products For 0-6 Months Old Baby

Baby is 6 months old! So we have just started solids and looking back, I realised I really did not buy a lot of baby products. And I am glad this way as I really hate clutters.

Since there are so many baby products out there, one may get very confused as a first-time parent. We may also get sink into the marketing gimmicks due to our excitement. So I hope this sharing helps!

These are the 5 best products that I purchased so far (1 being the best).

1. Soul AnoonA Carrier

A carrier is a must-have as it gives me the mobility (a pram can be too troublesome in crowded places)  and also a solution to cranky baby. On days when he is so cranky, I babywear him and do housework at the same time. He can sleep well in it too.

Magic spell to make baby sleep!

I wanted a carrier that can fit newborn without insert (with insert means hotter!), hence was deciding between a Tula Free to Grow, Ergo Omni 360 or this Soul AnoonA carrier. I wanted a carrier instead of a sling as carrier allows even weight distribution on both shoulders. Decided to get AnoonA as it is the cheapest (got it at $169) and the material feels the most cooling. Indeed, my baby loves the AnoonA.

2. Spectra S1 Breast Pump

Why did I not buy this right from the start?! A good hospital grade pump is a must-have for all breastfeeding mums! I used a portable Spectra S9+ pump for the first month of breastfeeding and it is not as good. I cannot control the cycle (frequency of pump), and it is also noisier.

Did not consider Medela as many mummy friends told me Spectra works better. Besides, Medela is really expensive. I get this Spectra for only $110 online! Medela is like $700+!

I like that this S1 has long battery life. I pump very frequently and it can last me for a few days before I need to charge. It also has lights which is really good when I pump at night.

The downside is that it is quite bulky and heavy. But it is ok since I’m usually at home for the first few months to build my milk supply (and I use S9+ when I’m on the go).

3. Love to Dream Swaddle

I firmly believe that this swaddle helps my baby to sleep better and also trained him to sleep through the night. After we started wearing this swaddle for him, he managed to sleep from 12.30 am to 7 am at 2 months old.

Looks quite poor thing in picture but he can really sleep well with it!

He didn’t like the normal cloth swaddle and will struggle to free his arms. This swaddle can fix his startle reflex and keep his arms in.

It is very expensive at about $40 but I would pay to buy longer sleep.

4. Sophie the Giraffe Teether

I don’t think I would buy this given the high cost for just a toy ($39.90) but A really loves this. I gave all his baby shower gifts but he only plays with this (at 1.5 months old). This has been his favourite ever since. I guess the giraffe spots attracts him and the long slender neck and legs made it easy for his little fingers to grab. Also, the long legs can reach into his inner gum, which is soothing during teething. He chews on it so much that the colours faded.

Tried giving him different teethers but this is still his favourite so far. He can self-entertain with this teether toy for the whole day (before he starts to crawl and explore the house). Never get bored of it. $39.90 to buy me a few hours a day? Awesome. It claims to be made of au natural rubber and safe food dye, though there was this article on mould growing inside the giraffe. Since it is an expensive toy and baby loves it so much, I couldn’t bear to cut to check if there is mould. I will just be extra careful and not let water sips into the hole.

5. Bouncer

This is not exactly a purchase as I (yes me!) have used it when I was a baby and my parents still kept it.

Traditional simple bouncer with just a mesh and spring.

This bouncer is really a life saver during the first 3 months when baby likes to be bounced to sleep (I thought he was too young to sleep train then). Since he could not have tummy time too long when he was so young, the bouncer was his seat as I didn’t want to let him lie flat all the time in case of flat head. He loves to be seated on the bouncer as he can see things at a different eye level. Note that it is not safe to use bouncer once baby learns to flip (even with the seat belt on).

Can see how much we used the bouncer by the amount of repair work we had…
Enjoying his swaddle and bouncer

And now for the 2 worse products that I purchased so far (1 being the worst).

1. Philips Steam Steriliser

Both the husband and I agree on this! Because it leaks water almost every time we sterilise the bottles! It made our counter top so wet and leave water stains! As if having a baby is not tiring enough, we have to keep wiping the counter top.

2. Pigeon Baby oil

I thought oil is necessary for baby massage but after a few episodes of eczema flare up, I have stopped using the oil and used baby creams for massage instead. I also later realised that it contains mineral oil, which may clog pores and cannot truly moisturise the skin.

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