4 months old Baby A

Happy 4th month 阿宝!Let’s see what we did this month.

👶🏻You started flipping at 3rd month but you still can’t flip from tummy to back
👶🏻now I know why you’re always on your tummy: To crawl. This month you started to crawl out of the playmat.
👶🏻Learnt to sit up on your own and the bouncer doesn’t look that safe anymore

👶🏻favourite “toy”: own saliva


👶🏻favourite “food”: double fists
👶🏻has been sleeping 12 hours straight at night so i can catch up on my sleep as well.

took my first passport photo!
Full of NG shots…

👩🏻4 months of breastfeeding. Initial target was 6 months as recommended by WHO. But mummy is enjoying breastfeeding so much now. Shall milk myself as long as he wants.
👩🏻Still the main caregiver and has gone slightly crazy.

👩🏻Discovered that jumpsuit/ rompers is the worse nursing outfit. Why did I even try?

Buttons still the best

👩🏻can’t believe how I can love someone so so much

3 Months old Baby A

Baby A is going to be 3 months old. What we have achieved in this month:

For mama:
1. Breastfeed for 3 months and counting. I’m starting to love breastfeeding, and baby also starts to prefer my nipple over bottle. Supply also stabilised at 3-4 bottles in fridge, still no frozen supply. But good enough that baby doesnt need to drink formula milk.

2. Survived the night without husband when he is in overseas.

For baby:
1. Loves his fists so much that he rejected pacifier when we finally tried giving.

2. Getting more cranky and sticky. Will only look for mama. Mama has to walk away for papa to get baby’s attention.

3. Managed to flip to the side and also managed to rotate like a clock.

4. Babbles more and seems to be able to comprehend what we are talking.

5. Smiles a lot esp in the morning and gradually more cranky when night falls lol. He is a morning person.

6. Discovers his fingers and starts to grab sophie giraffe.

7. Can sleep really long hours at night with the special swaddle

8. Biggest change is baby can feed every 3 hour instead of 2. Makes my life so much easier!! Esp when I do not need to pump as much since supply is stable now. Easier to bring baby out since he can latch pretty well now.