DIY Pasta Sauce for Baby and Family

Inspired by raisingbebewei, I made this easy salt-free, sugar-free and preservatives-free pasta sauce for baby. It is so yummy that even the family can enjoy!


Tomato 260g

Carrots 100g

Red Capsicum 60g

Garlic 25g

Brown Onion 160g

Water 15g (to desired consistency)

Apple 160g


1. Chop carrots, peeled apple, capsicum and capsicum. Preheat oven at 180deg C for 5min.

2. Steam apple and brown onion for about 10-15min. Retain steaming water.

3. Brush carrots, tomato (vine removed), capsicum and garlic with some butter and roast at 180deg C for 30-40min.

4. Combine step 2 and step 3 ingredients into blender and blend until desired consistency is achieved.

5. Batch freeze in ice cube trays and can be kept for 3 months.

Note: can play around with the ingredients. Sometimes I add yellow capsicum and corn.

This pasta sauce is super handy as I can prepare his pasta dinner in 10 min!

Using the thermomix, I put 20g of pasta in the basket while steaming fish/prawns and frozen pasta sauce in the varoma tray.

Outgrow Egg Allergy with Baked Egg Muffin Introduction

I didn’t expect baby A to have egg allergy as I have fed him hard boiled egg white at 7 months old and he was ok.

However when I fed again at 9 months old, this time hard boiled egg white and egg yolk, he had an allergy reaction. Almost immediately, his mouth area started to have rashes, which spread to the whole face and whole body.

I kept feeding him with water hopefully to flush the system while applying some mild steroid cream on the rashes. It was a Sunday and the nearby PD clinics were not opened. I monitored him closely while tying him with my baby carrier to prevent him from scratching himself. Thankfully the rashes subsided after 2 hours and he was back to his usual cheerful self.

My poor baby 😦 What unfortunate thing to happen on his 9th month.

During the routine polyclinic checkup, the nurse referred us to KK Hospital as she said baby might not be able to take the 1 year MMR vaccination as the vaccine is made from egg proteins.

We did some allergy prick test at KKH and he was found to be allergic to cow’s milk and egg. It is indeed very weird as he had formula milk derived from cow’s milk before! Anyway, KKH said that it is ok to take MMR as they are not made from egg’s proteins and even the doctor at KKH was puzzled why polyclinics always refer babies with egg allergy to them for the MMR despite telling them it is ok.

Prick test. Thank god he has no shell fish nor nuts allergy.

Sorry that I digress so much from the egg muffin. To cut the story short, 80% of babies outgrow egg allergy and if babies can tolerate baked eggs, they have higher chance to outgrow egg allergy. So as a kiasi and kiasu mum, I followed the nurse’s instructions and faithfully feed him baked egg products.

This is the baked egg muffin recipe I used, modified from the one given by KKH.


  • 80g self-raising flour
  • 20g unsalted butter (if baby is allergic to milk, replace with Nuttelex)
  • 80g banana or apple puree (apple sauce)
  • 2 large eggs (about 65g each)
  • Muffin cups (60x44mm) or muffin baking tin


  1. Preheat oven to 180degrees C for 5 min
  2. Combine apple sauce, butter and eggs in a mixing bowl
  3. Fold in the flour (I used thermomix and combined step 2 and 3 into one step. Speed 5 for 10 seconds)
  4. Divide the batter equally between 6 muffin cases and bake for 25 to 30 min. Bake immediately. Once ready, a metal skewer shoud come out clean when inserted into the muffin.
  5. Leave to cool and keep in an airtight container. Can be stored for 3 months in freezer and 5 days in fridge.

To DIY apple sauce/ apple puree,

  • peel apple skin off and cut apple into chunks
  • steam apple for 10 min. Retain steaming water.
  • blend apple with steaming water and add more water if needed to achieve desired consistency.

Important Note!

Before the introduction of baked egg products,

  • ensure that the child is well
  • not on oral antihistamine for 1 week
  • choose a day where you have the time to observe the child for several hours in case of allergic attack
  • examine child for pre-existing rashes
  • do not introduce other new foods while introducing baked egg products.

The first time I fed him with baked egg muffin, I gave one small pinch and waited about 15 min before giving more spoons of muffins to ensure that he is not having allergic reaction. Once cleared, continue with baked egg products 3 times a week to maintain their tolerance to baked egg.

This muffin is also a very good baby led weaning recipe as baby A can self-feed pretty well with this!

Shiitake Mushroom Stock Powder

Shiitake mushrooms are rich and savoury in taste. It also boosts immunity and support heart health.

This is suitable for babies above 8 months old. Can be added to baby food during or after cooking. Sometimes I also use it to marinate meat!

It is even easier to make mushroom powder than ikan bilis as soaking is not necessary.


1 packet of dried shiitake mushroom


1. Wipe the mushroom with a damp kitchen towel.

2. Dry in oven for 1 hour at 120-150 deg celsius. (You can dry at lower heat at longer duration)

3. Grind the mushroom into fine powder or the consistency you want. (I used thermomix turbo mode 2 seconds x 5)

4. Store in dry airtight container in fridge or freezer. As there is no salt or preservatives, best to consume within 3 months in fridge.

Have fun!

Fish Stock for Porridge

Baby A is losing fats as he started to be more active. Decided to make more nutritious food aka porridge (lazy mama!) for him instead of just vegetables and fruits purée.

Fish stock is the easiest to make as it does not require long hours of boiling unlike chicken stock.

Ingredients (for about 3 liters stock):

  • 1 medium carrot (peeled and chopped)
  • 1 medium onion (peeled and chopped)
  • 3 to 4 fresh parsley
  • 2 kg fish bones
  • 2-3 honey dates
  • Slices of ginger
Forgot about the ginger this time! Still turns out well.
Blanch the fish bones

Step 1: Blanch the fish bones (pour hot water over the bones, let it sit for 5-10 minutes and pour away the water).

Step 2: Bring a pot of water to boil. Add all the ingredients to the boiling water. Boil for about 45 minutes.

Step 3: Allow the stock to cool. Sieve the fish stock to remove any fine bones. Store the fish stock in tupperware containers.

Can see the rich fish oil. Once cooled, it became jelly-like.

Some recipes call for sauteing the fish bones before boiling to remove the fishy taste. I find there is little difference in the taste but lots of difference when it comes to time spent and washing the pots LOL. So I do not sauté the bones anymore.

I usually freeze using ice cube trays so that I can have defrost small portion for baby porridge. Can keep for 3 days in fridge and 3 months in freezer. However I can usually finish the stock in a week. Baby likes porridge made with fish stock as it is very fragrant! Mama is also very happy knowing that all the good collagen and nutrients are in the porridge even if I did not add any meat.

My lazy mama hack!