My #2 Childbirth Story

This post is published 5 months late, this shows how busy a mum of two is!

For my second pregnancy, I engaged Dr WK Tan as my MIL raved highly of her (yes she delivered for my MIL!). Her fees are surprisingly affordable for a popular private practitioner.

Perhaps this is my second child so most consultations were short and she didn’t explain much to us. However, she is very experienced and I feel assured to have her. She was very thorough with the checks when I had spottings in first trimester and it was a very pleasant journey with her. Long childbirth story ahead.

Before the Arrival of Baby Didi:

At w37+2, Baby’s head turned but not engaged in pelvis yet.

At w39+3, there was still no sign of labour. Head has descended more. Could feel his head was very low but cervis not opened yet. Baby was at 3492g.

At w39+6, some minor brown discharge. No contractions. Not sure if it was sign of labour. Decided to brush it off and spent a meaningful weekend with #1 in case it was the last weekend before didi pops.

At w40+1, finally felt some cramps at 11+ pm. Wasn’t sure if it was Braxton Hicks as the cramps were not painful, kinda like menses cramp (1 min for every 10 min interval). Decided to wait till the next morning since I had a gynae appointment. Besides, midnight hospital charges aren’t cheap and there was nobody around to look after the elder kid. The cramps made me too anxious to sleep. Only managed to sleep from 5+ am to 8+am. Surprisingly, after the nap the cramps were gone.

The Day of Didi’s Arrival

We took a cab down as I was too tired from the lack of sleep.

11 am: Appointment with gynae

Waited an hour until I told nurse that I’m having cramps and she jumped my queue to see gynae first.

12 noon: Water bag burst, cervix 2.5 cm

Dr Tan did ultrasound scan and was surprised to hear that I could sleep as contractions should be too painful to sleep. She did a cervix check and said I was 2.5 cm dilated and in labour already. Before I could react, she burst the water bag and an assistant wheeled me to the observation ward.

1-3pm: Wheeled into the observation ward

Everything progressed quickly at the ward. A nurse, Corfel, attended to me. I changed into hospital gown, strap with contraction and baby heartbeat monitor, and also had enema. Mild contractions (1 min for every 7 min interval). As this is my second baby, I knew the procedure well and wasn’t as anxious. I even told hubby to go home rest and bring the hospital bag.

All the labour wards were occupied so I had to wait. Although Thomson Medical Centre’s ward was smaller than Mt Alvernia’s, I like the cosy feeling it gave as the ward feels less like a hospital. While waiting for cervix to dilate and hubby to be back, I kept myself occupied by counting contractions on an app, updating my Instagram story, texting my MIL and friends. Corfel gave me a light lunch and asked me to eat for energy before the contractions became more painful. This is in contrast to Mt Alvernia where I wasn’t allowed to eat or drink water.

Light lunch. So hungry I gobbled down the sandwich.

Contractions were going on well and I like that Dr Tan did not check on my cervix again when she visited. Cervix check is very painful and I hated it. Corfel dropped by regularly to check on me and she made me feel very safe and assured. Nobody pressured me to take epidural unlike my experience with Mt Alvernia.

3-5pm: Contractions were more uncomfortable . Cervix dilated to 5-6 cm

As the contractions became more uncomfortable (1 min for every 5 min interval), I started to use deep breathing and listen to IU’s music. I was able to breathe through each contractions pretty well. Tried to stand and do yoga poses but it was troublesome as I made a mess with the drilling blood and water.

When hubby came back around 4plus pm, contractions were more uncomfortable but was still bearable. Hubby dare not ask me to take epidural as I wasn’t happy that he pressured me to do so the previous time. Though this time I was contemplating to just take epidural for the easy way out. Cervix about 5-6 cm dilated by now and I started to use essential oil to help me breathe through the contractions.

5pm: Decided to take epidural

After I was wheeled into the labour ward, I asked for epidural before the pain gets worse. Mila, the nurse at labour ward, was very supportive and kept telling me I can do it without epidural. But even if I want to take, it’s good too. I love how she held my hand and assured me. The anesthetist came in 30 min.

6.15pm: Hubby went for dinner

Hubby went for a quick dinner but didn’t expect my dilation to be so fast after epidural.

6.30pm: Finally cervix at 9cm

6.43pm: Felt numbness and nauseous from epidural

Catheter inserted at this point to drain urine to hasten the cervix dilation.

6.51pm: Cervix 10cm. Pushing begins

Dr Tan came in and told me I’m 10cm now. Started pushing. Quickly called hubby to rush back. Thankfully he managed to run back in time. As I couldn’t feel any pain due to the epidural, Mila and Corfel guided me when to push and helped to push my tummy.

7.15pm: Baby is out

After 25 min of intense pushing, baby is out without any vacuum this time, as predicted by Dr Tan. She carried the baby to show me before passing to the nurses for cleaning. She calmly pushed the placenta out then stitched me.

By the time the nurses placed baby on me for skin to skin, I was so exhausted from the intense pushing and felt nauseated. I started to puke and soon blackout. I could hear their voices but couldn’t open my eyes.

The nurses told me it is normal as I pushed too hard and the oxygen went to the lower body instead of the brain. Mila also remembered how badly I wanted a girl and before I was wheeled to the recovery ward, she held my hand gently and assured me to think positive and that I will have a girl the next pregnancy. I was very touched by her kindness. ◡̈

I’m so thankful to be in the good hands of Dr Tan, Corfel and Mila from TMC. They made my birthing experience so pleasant and I hope to have them again for my third child. ◡̈

The stitching by Dr Tan was excellent. I felt no pain at all and could walk the next day. Didn’t have to do sitz bath or sit on a float. Comparatively, I was in pain for two weeks for my first childbirth.

First family photo with didi. How do other mums appear so beautiful after labour? I couldn’t even open my eyes properly!
Sleeping soundly next to me. I will love you with all my heart and soul. ❤

What I Packed for Maternity Hospital Bag (for labour)

Writing this post only after I am discharged from hospital so that I can look back on hindsight and share only the essential items to bring.

Seen many daddies pulling luggage that looks like a 2 weeks vacation stay, while the mum has her hands full with carrying the newborn and the free maternity bags from hospital. Thus I want to pack only the minimal items essential for the stay.

Pre-labour items:

  1. Socks for the cold labour ward
  2. Personal items to help lessen pain during labour (for me it is lavender essential oil and ear piece & handphone to listen to music)
  3. Charging cable (in case of long labour)
  4. Important documents (IC, hospital admission letter, receipts to claim prenatal medisave, letter to donate cord blood)

Post-labour items:

  1. Home clothes for discharge
  2. Nursing bra (packed one set for discharge only hence it is easier not to wear bra during the hospital stay for breastfeeding)
  3. 3 sets of disposable underwear
  4. Extra long and thick pads (did not get to use as hospital provided one huge pack)
  5. Toiletries (facial wash and facial wipes. personal preference not to shower in hospital)
  6. Skincare
  7. Slipper
  8. Plastic bags for soiled clothes
  9. Glasses/ contact lens & solution (for myopic mums)
  10. Makeup (optional)
  11. Syringe for hand express milk (optional)

For baby:

  1. Two sets of baby rompers
  2. One pair of socks and mittens
  3. One baby swaddle

I packed the following items but did not get to use them.

  1. Clothes for hospital stay (prefer wearing hospital nursing gown as it is comfy, easy to nurse baby and no need to wash when you are home)
  2. Breastpump (hand express colostrum was much easier than pumping)
  3. Nipple cream (used breastmilk as “moisturiser”)
  4. Marriage cert to register baby’s birth cert at hospital (did not decide on the name yet so did not register the birth)
  5. Toothbrush and toothpaste (used those provided by hospital)

I stayed in Thomson Medical Centre (TMC). Though most hospitals provide similar items, it is best to check what they have beforehand.

Based on my 2020 TMC experience, the items I received are…

Inside the stylish black maternity bag…

Didn’t expect an additional maternity black bag from TMC as they only advertise on their green essentials bag (which pales in comparison to the 2019 bag).

Actual items in the Green Essentials bag

The combined items are better than Mt Alvernia maternity bag imo. The black bag is more stylish and comes with a thermal insulator bag for milk and a huge ice pack. I especially like the light nursing cover, the thomson essentials toiletries for baby, the thomson swaddle and romper set (now didi has another set of new clothes!) and the cute milestones cards (3 different sets!!).

Most vouchers are useless discount vouchers but there were a few gems such as free nursing bra, lactation cookies and bottle soap to redeem.

The purple bath tub was not featured here, it is incredibly small and I used it to store diapers instead. The nurse told me that the bath tub is meant for newborn up to 2 months old. Mt Alvernia’s bath tub is certainly better!

5 Reasons Why I Donated Cord Blood and not Store with Private Bank

If you have been to baby fair, chances are you are approached by some promoters from private cord blood bank. Like any parent, I wanted the best for my child and was tempted to sign up for cord blood storage despite the high cost involved. After all, there is no U-turn once you missed the only one chance to store.

What is Cord Blood?
source: SCBB

What is cord blood?

Cord blood is blood from the umbilical cord. After the umbilical cord separates from your child, the doctor will extract the cord blood for processing, freezing and storage.

After doing my own research, these are the reasons why I decided to not store privately.

1. Chances of using the cord blood is extremely low

In Singapore, there is only a handful of people who withdraw their cord blood from private banked cord blood for use. Doctors estimate between 0.04% to 0.0005% of use.

The low rate of use for privately banked cord blood is mainly because of the second point…

2. Patient’s own cord blood is likely unsuitable for own use

The cord blood is mainly used for blood related diseases like leukaemia. However, this also means that is is likely the patient is unable to use his/her own cord blood since the blood may already carry the genetic abnormality that causes the blood or immune system to fail in the first place.

Hence, cord blood stored in the public bank has a higher chance of being used (2.2 per cent).

3. More research needed to expand the use of cord blood

The low rate of use also means that there are not many diseases that can use the cord blood. Most diseases involved blood cancers like leukaemia and lymphoma.

5 Questions About Cord Blood Banking
source: babybonus

4. Private banks may have poorer quality cord blood

Public banks are highly regulated. Private banks on the other hand may not meet stringent requirements, which can cause stored cord blood to be of lesser quality. Thus, the stored blood might not be useful after all.

“In order to meet international requirement for a life-saving cord blood transplant, all collected Cord Blood Units (CBUs) will be evaluated for volume of blood, cell count, cell viability, and infectious disease amongst other panel of testing requirements. These will ensure only samples of the highest quality are banked” ~SCBB

5. I can potentially help others and my child

Donating cord blood to public bank means I can potentially help others. The more people donate, the larger the community of cord blood available and thus higher chance of finding a right match.

And *touch wood* if my child ever needs cord blood, he has the priority to receive cord blood from the public bank too. And if his own cord blood is still available and is suitable, he can also withdraw for personal use.

Therefore, I decided to donate his cord blood to SCBB and used the money saved to buy a more comprehensive insurance coverage for baby.

Do note that SCBB’s requirement for donation is quite stringent, has to meet even higher cell count than private banks so if the blood is found unsuitable for storage, it will be used for research purposes unless otherwise requested by donor. They also offer private banking services at lower fees than private banks in the event that the cord blood does not meet donation requirement and the parents still want to store.

For my second baby, I would choose delayed cord clamping and also donate to SCBB (hopefully the cell counts are good even after the delayed clamping).

My Childbirth Experience with Mt Alvernia

At around 36 weeks, my gynae gave the option to have induction at 38 weeks as he said that my cervix was favourable (3 cm dilated) and my baby is at a healthy weight of about 3 kg. He was worried that my petite frame would not be able to deliver naturally if my baby grows bigger, and that placenta may be old.

I am not keen in induction as I really wanted my childbirth to be as natural as possible. I believe that God created a woman’s body in such a way that we can deliver babies naturally. And we women have been doing that since the start of mankind right? I also did not want epidural as I am inspired by my mother who gave birth naturally without any painkillers at the age of 42.

I waited and waited (with many pineapples and exercises) but there was no contractions so we decided to induce exactly at week 40. I was afraid the baby would be too big if I wait any longer, and also afraid that he might eat his own meconium.

Still eating pineapple on the way to the hospital..

Looking back, I’m still not sure if it was the best decision though I am thankful that the baby is delivered safely.

Day of Delivery

We went to the hospital in the morning and the first thing the nurse did was to clear my bowel. She squirted some liquid into my rectum. It wasn’t painful but very uncomfortable. I felt every dignity as a human being was gone as I was stripped naked and laid on the bed, waiting to be butchered. Before I can hid myself in embarrassment from being naked, she checked on my cervix dilation which was super painful.

The delivery ward… It was so cold!
Everything happened so quickly.

Next, she strapped me with contractions and baby heartbeat monitor. I cannot remember whether my waterbag was broken first or the nurse inserted IV drip to kick start the contraction.

The contractions came in quickly though I felt no pain initially. I saw the monitor showing peaks that represent contractions but I could still function normally (talk to my husband, watch TV, whatsapp etc). I hate the IV drip though, as it made me immobile. But all is good, I have about 1 cm dilation every hour.

After an hour of drip, the contractions were 3 min apart and last about 1 min each time. The pain was still bearable though I started sniffling my lavender essential oil.

After 3 hours, the contractions intensified very quickly and I thought I was ready for birth. I asked for laughing gas and kept sniffling the essential oil like a drug addict. The contractions last about 1 min and about 1.5 min apart. I asked the nurse to check for my dilation a few times but she was impatient and said that she was busy. She also told me to stop screaming so loudly and that I should just take an epidural like the others. My husband and I were really furious with her response though I was too exhausted and in so much pain to do anything. Little did I know that this is the start of my poor experience with Mt Alvernia.

After 4 hours, I was 7cm dilated and the pain was really unbearable. My whole body felt weak and shivering. My husband could no longer read his book as he was busy holding the laughing gas or essential oil for me (contractions came every 30 seconds!). Some say the pain is 1000 times of menses cramp. I did not experience menses cramp so all I can say is it was worse than my appendicitis pain. I could still walk to hospital by myself with the appendicitis pain but for this 8cm contractions? My whole body was trembling while I gripped the hospital bed so tightly that I thought it would break.

After 6 hours, contractions were still stuck at 8 cm and I was trembling so much that I thought I would faint from exhaustion. My husband told me just get epidural as the pain would be much worse later on and I succumb to it.

The anesthetist came within 30 minutes and when he came I thought I saw God! In my mind I was like “save me from this suffering!”.

The whole epidural procedure was very fast and I managed to control my shivering even at 8 cm contractions. The effect was very fast and I could not feel any pain at all! I felt foolish not taking epidural earlier! The side effects came fast too, my body was cold and trembling.

Soon after the epidural, the fetal heart beat dropped to 70 (normal baby heartbeat is about 150).   Suddenly the gynae said “bring me the oxygen mask.” I inhaled very deeply, recalling what I learnt in yoga classes. Thankfully, the heartbeat was up in a minute.

After 7 hours, the gynae said I can push now! Since I couldn’t feel any contractions, I had to listen to the nurse’s command to push.

I used all my strength to push, but the baby seems to be stuck. Once again, my gynae decisively asked for vacuum (which he later told me that he was thinking between vacuum or c-section).

The nurse switched on the vacuum before it was placed properly which made my gynae flared at her as it could be dangerous for the baby. I was really pissed but I had no energy to do anything. That’s the second poor experience.

With the vacuum, it took about 3-5 pushes and viola! The baby was out!

I was so exhausted by now and forgot to ask for skin to skin contact. The nurses did not suggest skin to skin and I believe this could be the reason why my supply was low initially. That’s the third poor experience.

Baby’s weight was unexpectedly high at 3.82kg. I could still remember the gynae saying “if I knew he is so heavy, definitely a caesarean for you.”

The sewing was quite long as the episiotomy wound is big. Before the sewing was done, another nurse came in and told us that the baby is now in NICU as his cries did not sound normal and also because I have GBS. I thought his cries were normal when he was in the delivery ward? That’s the fourth poor experience.

And yes there’s a fifth poor experience. The nurse insisted on taking my blood immediately so that she can quickly send in the cord blood to SCBB the same day. She poked freaking 3 times but no blood was drawn out. She apologised briefly and said I probably lost too much blood from the delivery and will try again the next ay.

My arm was so bruised because of her. ☹

My thoughts on induction and epidural?

I think both my body and baby were not ready for birth yet. The contractions were too fast too furious due to the induction and I could not move around to reduce the pain due to the IV drip. I’m not sure if it is because my baby is heavy or is it because he is not ready and hence required the vacuum.

The good thing is, since he is so heavy, I might not be able to deliver vaginally if I had waited any longer.

My baby… No love at first sight but I love you more and more each day.

I might not be able to deliver vaginally if I did not have epidural as the baby is so big and my body is so petite.

Vaginal or caesarean, I think the most important thing is for both mother and baby to be safe. And I’m very thankful that I have that.