4 months old Baby A

Happy 4th month 阿宝!Let’s see what we did this month.

👶🏻You started flipping at 3rd month but you still can’t flip from tummy to back
👶🏻now I know why you’re always on your tummy: To crawl. This month you started to crawl out of the playmat.
👶🏻Learnt to sit up on your own and the bouncer doesn’t look that safe anymore

👶🏻favourite “toy”: own saliva


👶🏻favourite “food”: double fists
👶🏻has been sleeping 12 hours straight at night so i can catch up on my sleep as well.

took my first passport photo!
Full of NG shots…

👩🏻4 months of breastfeeding. Initial target was 6 months as recommended by WHO. But mummy is enjoying breastfeeding so much now. Shall milk myself as long as he wants.
👩🏻Still the main caregiver and has gone slightly crazy.

👩🏻Discovered that jumpsuit/ rompers is the worse nursing outfit. Why did I even try?

Buttons still the best

👩🏻can’t believe how I can love someone so so much