Honest Review for Flat Head (Plagiocephaly) Baby: Should I get a Mimos Pillow?

It is one month after using mimos pillow for didi’s plagiocephaly. Time for a quick review!

First day on mimos, he was 5 months old.
After a month, Didi liking his mimos!

Sometimes he will roll out of the pillow when falling asleep but thankfully he is able to sleep on it most of the time.

Active baby!

I still try to reposition him although mimos website said it is not needed. But even if he is sleeping on his flat side, I’m not so worried as the pillow helps to spread the pressure evenly (used to sleep late cause I’d reposition him after he slept).

Physically, we don’t see much improvement except it is less pointy at the back. But I am so glad that it isn’t worsening! 😌Went to the orthotist two days back and his plagio measurement has decreased from 14 to 13mm (0mm is a perfect round head). Yay! 🤩Which means the pillow has helped to correct 1 mm!🥳🤩

Slight improvement of 1mm!

I wasn’t hoping for major correction and was just praying that it will not get worse while we wait for the helmet to be ready.

So yep, money well spent!😀 Another one more week of mimos pillow before he starts wearing helmet.

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