Yoga with Baby

I love yoga and it this is one simple exercise that I can do with baby. Yoga has a calming effect for babies who suffer with digestive issues or babies who have difficulties falling asleep. I find doing yoga with baby is also a good bonding session.

  1. Place baby on his back on a play mat or bed and sit in front of his feet. Look into his eyes, smile and tell him what you are going to do.
  2. Take one of baby’s feet in each of your hands. Gently push baby’s knees in towards her chest and apply gentle pressure. This is a wind relieving pose (some people believe that colic is due to excess wind in the stomach). Hold briefly and release. Repeat a few times.
  3. Place the soles of his feet together so the knees fall out to the sides. This is reclining cobbler pose. Without moving his hips, circle his legs clockwise, then anti-clockwise.

While doing step 3, you may sing the song “wheels on the bus” as you are moving his legs in a circular motion.

4. Holding both baby’s legs, open and close his legs while singing “doors on the bus go open and shut”.

5. Stretch baby’s legs towards you, pulling and then dropping them gently. Repeat a few times.

6. Place the palm of one hand on the abdomen and move in clockwise direction (for constipation) and anti-clockwise (for diarrhea). Do this while singing lullaby.

Adapted from “Mindful Mama, Happy Baby” book by Maja Pitamic & Susannah Marriott.

If you are feeling fanciful and want a core workout with baby, this are some poses you can try.

bridge pose
I have no core strength… haha
or the classic push up with my 4 months old

When all fails, do the easiest child’s pose!

Baby will still enjoy the bonding session with mummy no matter what! 🙂