16D15N South Africa Itinerary: The Garden Route (Part II)

Day 4
We took a domestic flight to Cape Town where we rented a car from Avis for self-drive via the Garden Route to Port Elizabeth.
Woo hoo to the start of a road trip! When we reached Cape Town, it was turning dark and all we did was to look for our hotel at Signal Hill Lodge, which is pretty decent for the price we paid, just the the parking space was rather narrow.

Signal Hill Lodge
Address: 29 Military Rd, Schotsche Kloof, Cape Town, 8001, South AfricaPhone: +27 21 422 0769Website: http://www.signal-hill-lodge.co.za/

We then headed out for dinner at Codfather Seafood & Sushi after hearing the recommendation by the Chinese tourists we met in the Safari.

Sorry that my Samsung S5 camera is really bad under low light condition. But this was how it looks, kind of like Fish & Co. You can choose between fries or rice.

The food was fantastic (though not as heavenly as what the Chinese tourists described as), especially the butterfish which melts in the mouth. But the prices can be high, depending on the type of seafood you choose as they go by the weight. So it is best to ask the prices before the chef cooks.

Codfather Seafood & Sushi
Address: 37 The Dr, Camps Bay, Cape Town, 8040, South AfricaPhone: +27 21 438 0782Hours: 12am –11pmWebsite: http://www.codfather.co.za/

Day 5

Woke up feeling blessed. Took a photo at our balcony as on the night of proposal it was too dark to take decent photos. Have to show off my red roses before they wilt!

We spent the day exploring Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela spent 18 of his 27 prison years. The tour is about 4 hours long, inclusive of 30 min boat ride each way. The ticket price is inclusive of the boat ride and the guided tour. We purchased the 1pm ticket on the spot.
It is best to visit Robben Island first as the boats might not operate during bad weather. After alighting from the boat, we walked a little to catch the buses where the tour guide on each bus will guide you around the island. It is best not to visit the souvenir shops as you will have plenty of time to do so later, otherwise you might end up with a not so good seat, or get separated from your partner.
We were lucky to be seated near the guide so we could hear clearly throughout 🙂

There will be a break where you can go to the washroom or look at the penguins (if any).
The second part of the tour will be by foot, where we followed another guide who used to be an ex prisoner in Robben Island.

 The cell of Nelson Mandela.

 The backyard of the cell.

Our guide explaining the ID that the prisoners have to carry.

The prisoners were given ration according to their races 😦
It started to rain quite heavily after our tour ended and we had to dashed back to the boat so we did not explore the island much.
Nevertheless, we have so much respect for these people who fought for their freedom.

Robben Island Tour

Timing: 9am, 1pm and 3pmTicket price: R320 Rand (adult) and R180 (child) Website: http://www.robben-island.org.za/

Back at the V&A waterfront, I decided to buy a coat from H&M since it was on sale and the weather was turning cold. It was less than SGD30 for a decent coat 🙂
We had dinner at the Willoughby & Co as I read a lot of positive reviews on it and I was craving for some Asian food already!

The sashimis were of thick generous serving and the price was pretty decent as well. Always love Japanese food! A good alternative to all the Western food we have been eating!

Willoughby & Co

Address: 6130 & 6132, Victoria Wharf Centre, Victoria Wharf Shopping Centre, Breakwater Blvd, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa Phone:+27 21 418 6115 Hours:  12–10:30pm

Day 6
Day 6 was a road trip out to find penguins at the Boulders Beach and to the Cape of Good Hope.
As it was still raining in the morning, we decided to head to The Old Biscuit Mill for breakfast in case the penguins are hiding from the rain.
We had a pleasant time exploring this amazing place full of local crafts. This is a good place for those interested in supporting local handicrafts/ designs.
Had a delicious breakfast at Saucisse Boutique Deli. The owner was very friendly too.

Saucisse Boutique Deli

Address: Unit A 112, Old Biscuit Mill, 375/373 Albert Rd, Woodstock, Cape Town, 7925, South Africa Phone:+27 21 447 7177 Hours:  8am–4:30pm

 We climbed up The Old Biscuit Mill and we were not very sure if this is Signal Hill but nonetheless was a beautiful sight.

The rain stopped and we proceeded to the Boulders Beach.

 Stopped along the way as some places were too beautiful to miss. The wind was very strong!

 Colourful houses at St James. Reminds me of Perth.

3 cute dogs.

Boulders Beach. Where are the penguins?

 So many! Sun tanning?

 So cute. They can be anywhere around you 🙂

Boulders Beach

Address: 1 Kleintuin Rd, Simons Town, 7995, South Africa Phone: +27 21 786 2329

Next stop, we gotta hurry to the Cape of Good Hope before it closes!
There was an entrance fee to the Cape Point Nature Reserve, where the Cape of Good Hope is located. We were lucky to enter before 3pm as they do not allow cars to enter after 3pm for winter. At the entrance, we still had to drive quite a far bit to the Cape Point and then to the Cape of Good Hope.
Due to the lack of time (as we need to leave the Nature Reserve before 5pm), we could only visit 2 places.
We drove to the Cape Point first, and decided not to take the Flying Dutchman Funicular up. I really like to explore places by foot 🙂

Cape Point lighthouse. 

 The waves are really very strong.

Pretty scary to look down.

And then we quickly moved on to the Cape of Good Hope! Which is a place I really wanted to visit after learning it from my Secondary school Geography book.

 Here we are!

 At the Southern tip of the Africa continent! So far away from home. I wonder how did the sailors in the past feel as well.

 Saw a lonely ostrich in the reserve.

Cape Point Nature Reserve

Address: Cape Point Rd, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa Hours: 06:00 – 18:00 (October – March)            07:00 – 17:00 (April – September) Phone: +27 21 780 9526 Website: http://capepoint.co.za/ 

We wanted to get dinner at Simon’s Town but decided to drive back to Cape Town to dine at Millers Thumb and it was one of the best meals in Africa! Highly recommended! Just looking at the photos below made me salivate.

I think I had mine in Moroccan sauce.

Both our fishes were so gooooood. The fishes were really tender and juicy and their home made sauce brings out even more flavour! They have so many different types of fishes that we don’t have in Singapore so we were not very sure what to order but the waiters there were very patient and kind. I remember that the price was affordable, just like any restaurants in South Africa. Each meal cost less than SGD15, and you can get a big breakfast with drinks for SGD4 to 6. 🙂

Millers Thumb

Address: 10B Kloofnek Road, Tamboerskloof, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa Hours: 12:30–2pm, 6:30–10:30pm Phone: +27 21 424 3838 Website: http://www.millersthumb.co.za/

16D15N South Africa Itinerary: The Kruger Safari (Part I)

It has always been my dream to visit Africa, and South Africa is the easiest to start as it is more accessible and majority speak English.

After a long 11 hours flight from Singapore to Johannesburg, we waited a further 2 hours to take a 1 hours domestic flight to Nelspruit.

We have heard about some horror stories in Johannesburg but I still did not pay much attention to my belongings until we had some encounters in the Johannesburg international airport.

Incident 1: While eating our breakfast, an African guy approached us speaking in a language we could not understand. I was puzzled, still looking at him with my half awake and jet lag brain, and not being aware how dangerous the whole situation is. W is more alert. He quickly held tight to my bag which I conveniently leave it on the luggage trolley, thinking that it was safe since the trolley was just next to us. The African waiter was quick to notice that someone was troubling us and he spoke in an unknown language, and gesturing him to leave, while taking out his wallet to show that he has no money.
The waiter then told us that we have to be careful as it is very common for them to snatch bags away even in the airport. Thank god we met this kind-hearted waiter. 

Incident 2: After breakfast, we proceeded to the departure gate as we thought that the airport seems unsafe and we just wanted to leave Johannesburg quickly. It definitely did not help being Asian as we are the only 2 Asians around and almost all the Africans are staring at us.
While waiting for the lift, an airport security guard approached us and asked where we were going. I thought that airport security guard should be safe but I was wrong! We told him we were going to Nelspruit for the Safari and he said it was costly to see the animals. He then spoke in some unknown language (which I assume he is saying that we must be rich to be able to go to the Safari), and gesture to give him some coffee money. We pretended not to understand and quickly walked away.

Incident 3:  At the check in counter, we were patiently queuing for our turn and this friendly airline staff directed us to the next counter as he carried my luggage to the counter (without my permission. Neither did I request him to help as it was just a mere 1 m walk). When we were done, he asked us to give him 100 Rand which was insane. We decided to just give him a 10 Rand (approx SGD1) as we are too tired from the long flight. He wanted more than 10 Rand but I firmly said “No, if not I won’t even give you 10 Rand”.

These 3 incidents seem like a pretty bad start to our trip but I thought it was good as they taught us to be more alert to our surroundings and never trust anyone even if they are official staff.

Day 1

 It is rare to walk down the stairs nowadays! Made us feel like we are some VIPs taking private jet 🙂 Cheap thrill!

 We were going to the Kruger Safari! How exciting!!!!

We were exhausted after such long flights, and it was another 3 hours car ride to Naledi Game Lodge.

When we reached the lodge, the staff (so many of them but I could only remember Markus name so far) were standing outside to welcome us as if we were Presidents. We  quickly gobbled down the lunch the lodge prepared for us as we wanted to catch the afternoon game! The staff were so nice, to save our lunch for us (we reached about 2 pm +) and still manged to slot us in for an afternoon game!

Look at our beautiful bed!

Five minutes to our first game, we were pretty lucky to see three lions with their prey!

Feeling excited!

 We also saw a giraffe with a lion chasing after it!

 According to our guide, this is the remains of a giraffe, which was eaten up by a pride of 11 lions.

It turned dark and my camera couldn’t capture these rhinoceres clearly.

After the evening game, we freshened up and went for dinner at 7pm with other tourists from China.

Our bathroom was really huge. Love double sinks!


Naledi Game Lodge

Phone: +27 (15) 001-7092 Website: http://www.naledigamelodge.com/

Day 2
Morning game!

 Spotted many elephants!

Impala is very common in the Safari! They are one of my favourites but they are so shy and hard to capture. Impalas have a letter M on their butt.

 We had a break in this hut and ate some really nice cookies and drank hot milo to keep warm :)For our 2nd game, we did not manage to see many animals, only elephants and many different kind of deers. But we did learn a lot from the guides as I didn’t know the existence of Impala. I just grouped them as deers! How ignorant!

After lunch, we opted for trekking with the guide as we get to know more about how they track animals based on the footprint, marks on branches etc.

Since we are going on foot without vehicle, it can be rather dangerous if we encounter lions or leopards. So our guide carries a rifle with him and we should not walk together as a group. Animals tend to attack solo traveller, just like humans.

 Bone remains.

Spotted monkeys.

 Impala faeces.

Elephant dung.

In the afternoon game (our 3rd game), we managed to see rhinoceros up close!

This huge fellow decided to walk across our vehicle. So cool!

 And we spotted a shy hippopotamus.

More giraffes up close 🙂 Such elegance and beauty!


 Forgot the name of these animals. I should have updated earlier!

Getting dark. Always a good idea to stay close to the vehicle.

Still hopeful to spot leopard but only manage to spot this owl which stood so still.
So far we have spotted 4 out of the big 5. Where are you leopardy?
After the night game, we were heading back to the lodge. Little did I know that the dinner was going to be a big surprise.


W asked me to shower and change into something nicer and I was like for what? The dinner was at 7 pm and it was already 6.30 pm. Furthermore, we were just going to dine with the usual tourists and there were only animals around, it was not like we are going to any fine dining restaurants. So I ignored his suggestion.
I started to sense something was not right when W changed into a nicer shirt, and how he pretended to lose his pouch when the door bell rang.
Why would the door bell ring? When I opened the main door, there wasn’t anyone. Shortly after, I head someone at the other door (that connects to another living room. Yes, our room was really huge. We even had a living room 1 and living room 2).
Markus was at living room 2 and right in front of me was very romantically decorated room. I knew it! Must be the proposal. I’ve been looking forward to it but yet I’m not prepared right now as there were other staff around and I was so shy.

 I ran a few rounds in the room because I wasn’t sure if this was the right time to say yes. I was dying of embarrassment with the staff looking at me and all I wanted to do was run away. But I soon realised that I was in the middle of the Safari, where could I run to? And this was the man I would want to marry and live with.
So I said yes 🙂

W and the staff were all worried I would say no. Haha.

 The food was really good but we were very full from the huge servings of lunch and tea break.

Markus and his staff really decorated the room really well and I must say their service was excellent! We even had the chef coming in personally to explain the food to us, and the waitress checking on us regularly to see if we needed help.
Because I couldn’t bring any of the decorations back, I can only keep them in my heart as memories and to take as many photos as possible 🙂
Thank you W and all the staff for the proposal 🙂 I am blessed.

Day 3

Last day in the Safari 😦

 Spotted giraffe again 🙂

So lucky to see the lion with her fresh prey, Waterbuck early in the morning! According to the guide, the lion killed her the night before and now she is trying to hide the prey for her children to eat.

 Trying to hide from the sneaky hyenas.

I like how the different lodges will cooperate and inform each other when they spot the animals!
And so we concluded our 3D2N stay in the Safari. I’m so missing this place!

Goodbye lovely room. Goodbye Safari. You will be missed.

An unique insect outside our room, bidding farewell.

On our way to Cape Town!

7D6N Japan Itinerary: Tokyo (Disneysea), Osaka, Kyoto

I was very into Jpop during my teenage years and have been wanting to visit Japan since a decade ago! Now that I am finally financial independent, my dream came true!

Day 1

I could not believe that I am in Japan! =D

 Couldn’t sleep on the overnight plane and feeling very lethargic yet eager to explore Tokyo!

We took very long to find this place, Tatsunoya Ramen

It was definitely worth our effort! The noodle, the soup, the chashu, the egg, everything was just perfect!

Ramen Tatsunoya 龍の家Address: Japan, 〒160-0023 Tokyo, 新宿区Nishishinjuku, 7−4−5
Hours:  11am–12am
Phone: +81 3-6304-0899

We bought lots of thermal wear, some scarves and gloves from Shinjuku Uniqlo. Uniqlo Japan was so much cheaper mainly because
1. it is from Japan
2. yen is very weak now. SGD1 can change for Yen85
3. massive sale
4. we get tax refund!

The staff was so polite, he bowed to every single customer who took the discount voucher from him.

We were walking around Shinjuku area and saw it was some kind of public holiday in Japan today and Uniqlo was having massive sale!

As for dinner, I wanted to try yakitori and we went to this yakitori place which rejected us because we are foreigners. Some Japanese are really xenophobic! The staff even pointed to us the sign outside that says “only Japanese allowed” which we did not see when we entered.
It was so upsetting as this place totally destroyed my perfect impression of Japan. But W cheered me up and we went to look for other yakitori place 🙂
So we walked around our hotel and found this.

The yakitori was average but at least the staff were kind to us!

Day 2
We visited the Meiji Shrine near Harajuku.

 It was a pretty long walk from the metro station to the shrine so please do not wear heels ladies!

 So lucky to witness a traditional wedding ceremony!

 Adorable Japanese kids 🙂

 Made from vegetables!

Since Meiji Shrine is near Harajuku, we hop over and tried some Gindako takoyaki for lunch! It was as good as the ones in Ion!

Bought some cosmetics in Harajuku. Thank you W for carrying!

At night we went to the Shibuya crossing and shopped at Shibuya 109! Shibuya 109 is the trendy mall for teenage girls and I have always wanted to visit this mall after seeing the numerous features on the Japanese magazines!

But dream and reality do have some gaps. The clothes in 109 were really expensive and since they were selling winter wear, I decided not to get any. The free wifi was very good though 🙂

Tried creme brulee at the L’Occitane Cafe, where we rested our feet and watched the busy shibuya crossing. I love the creme brulee =D

L’OCCITANE 渋谷店 テラス・ド・プロヴァンスAddress: Japan, 〒150-0043 Tokyo, Shibuya, 渋谷 駅前 ビル 1-3 階 Hours: 10am–9pm Phone: +81 3-5428-1564

Day 3
Day 3 to Asakusa!

 Kaminarimon gate to the Sensoji Temple. This place was crowded with tourists.

 We decided to try the rickshaw though it was not very cheap (SGD30+) but we just want to give it a try!

 Our rickshaw puller is an undergraduate and he says this job gives him extra allowance and is better paying than other jobs. He seems to be interested to learn English and says that finding jobs in Japan is getting more competitive nowadays.

 Although it was very crowded, I still like this place a lot.

 W really love his food a lot!

 Many souvenir shops.

 We dropped by this random place and had the best tempura udon ever! I’m not an udon fan but this literally changed my perception of udon. The udon was QQ and the tempura prawn was fresh and not oily! The tempura flour was not thick but just nice. This set was also affordable at around 1300yen.

It seems like any food stalls in Japan are good. The worse is only mediocre but we never encounter any bad ones despite not doing our research!

Kanouya Udon 手打ちうどん叶屋
Address: 東京都 台東区 浅草 1-37-12
Hours:   11:00~21:00 (closed on Wednesdays) *Sundays & PH 20:00
Phone: 03-3844-6424
Website: http://www.denbouin-dori.com/shop/kanouya/

 We could see the skytree from here!

More gindako

We then head over to Akihabara as I wanted to get some Dragonballs for my brother. Akihabara is the place for manga stuff and electronics!

Brother would love this!

 Lots of toys catching machines which W love!

Our itinerary is really packed, and after Akihabara we head over to Ginza, which by then W was so exhausted and went for a massage while I shopped alone 😦

 But I soon realised that Ginza is just like Orchard Road, full of branded shops which I cannot afford.

 So we went over to Tonkatsu Maisen Tokyo Daimaru for our tonkatsu!

 The tonkatsu was comparable to our Ma Maison in Mandarin Gallery. In fact I like our sesame sauce (they do not have in this Tokyo outlet) but Tokyo’s cutlet is fluffier and softer.

Tonkatsu Maisen Tokyo Daimaru
Address: Japan, 〒100-6701 Tokyo, Chiyoda, Marunouchi, 1−9−1, 大丸東京店 Daimaru Tokyo
Phone: +81 3-6638-6871
Hours: 11am–11pm

Day 4 

Last day in Tokyo so we had a hard time deciding between Disneyland or Disneysea. In the end we decided on Disneysea as it is the one and only in the world.

 We bought something silly since it was my first time in Disney! The day was cold despite the sun and W’s silly hat really kept his head warm! Good buy!

We had sushi dinner in a restaurant near Disneyland and it turned out to be very good! Did not take any photos as we were busy chatting with the chef.

Day 5

We took a bus to Mount Fuji, Kawaguchiko station which was about 2 hour ride. From the Kawaguchiko station, we took a cab to our Hotel New Century.

It was dinner time when we reached Kawaguchiko and as it was a small town, there was nothing much to do but to eat and sleep at night.
We walked down to this restaurant near our hotel and I’m not kidding, anything we order in Japan was just so good!

Very happy with our food!

 We were given yukata where we tried on and went to the onsen in the hotel. There wasn’t anyone as it was pretty late and I had the whole public onsen to myself! 🙂

The next day, we set off to see Mt Fuji and to go to the town area.

Not forgetting the 11 course breakfast prepared by the hotel! Heavenly!

 The peak was covered by the cloud when we set off. They say that Mt Fuji is a shy mountain.

 However, the cloud started to clear and we could see the peak of Mt Fuji!

It was a long but scenic walk to kawaguchiko town. We saw some people rowing boats and we really wanted to do that but we did not have enough time. We promised to come back to Mt Fuji again as we really like the quaint town and the beautiful scenery.

 Some local markets in the town.

We spent the late afternoon and evening taking bullet train to Osaka for the last part of our trip. Time really flies when you are travelling!
We stayed in Daiwa Roynet Hotel Osaka which was really small but was a clean business hotel. It was on promotion when we got it so each night cost only about SGD60+. The hotels in Osaka seems to be cheaper than in Kyoto and since we had big luggages, we decided to stay in Osaka and do day trips to Kyoto.

Day 6

We joined a free English walking tour in the Kyoto Imperial Palace.

 W caught some toys in Kyoto and we had to carry around the palace.

 We went to this tonkatsu place which sells pretty good tonkatsu but not as good as the one in Daimaru Tokyo.

 We had to grind the sesame ourselves.

 Lots of shopping here!

Very expensive sushi and from the display, we thought it was the price for two pieces (but only one came!) Luckily we only ordered 2 plates as we were still full from the tonkatsu.

Day 7

We went to look for my Japanese friends who stayed in my house last time. We visited Osaka castle together 🙂

With Kusumi san and Ayami san.

 View from the castle.

 The famous Dotonbori street. Bought a small piece of the crab but didn’t find it fantastic.

The gyoza was delicious!

And so we concluded the trip with all these food, skincare and cosmetics!

I love Japan! 😀

3D2N Malaysia Itinerary: Cameron Highlands

It was a reunion for the 4 of us!

After W’s CFA, we took a coach bus to Ipoh. W could sleep all the way as he was exhausted from the late night studying but I couldn’t sleep at all on the bus 😦 So the next morning I was walking like a zombie 😦
We stayed in Wei Kang’s grandfather’s house in Ipoh which is so huge and beautiful 🙂 Visited the famous Ipoh cave which can be pretty dark and slippery inside.

The next day, we drove up to Cameron Highlands. Yeah to the start of our adventure!

 So many daisies and first time seeing duo colour daisies. So pretty!

Tough driving up the mountain. Needs a lot of concentration and skill! Good job WK!

More Gerbera Daisies again 🙂

Such a pleasant and peaceful place to just chill and rest. 

 We stayed overnight for one night and the next day we went to the Lost World of Tambun.

 It was so much fun with Xiao Ben 🙂

Lost World of Tambun

Address: 2, Persiaran Lagun Sunway 1, Sunway City Ipoh, 31150 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia

Phone: +60 5-540 8888

Website: http://sunwaylostworldoftambun.com/

Last night staying with Xiao Ben 😦 He is so cute. We’re all going to miss him a lot.

Brought home two lovely pots of daisies!

6D5N Australia Itinerary: Sydney

As part of my self-proclaimed graduation trip after getting my Masters, we went on a short trip to Sydney as Scoot was having some sales for their launch promotion!

Day 1
It was almost night time when we reached Sydney. We stayed in this hotel Travelodge Wynyard which was having a promotion. 

W told me that he needs to meet his cousin at Darling Harbour to pass her something.

 As wines were pretty affordable in Australia, we ordered two glasses but I really did not like the taste of alcohol.

 Along Darling Harbour.

 Little did I know that it was an excuse to go to the Darling Harbour as he gave me a surprise! To ask me officially to be his girlfriend.

Day 2

We joined a free walking tour as I enjoyed almost all the free walking tours in Europe! If you followed my blog, you would realised that I would join the free walking tours if the city has one! They were very informative and they do not force you to buy any souvenirs.
At the end of the trip, you can give them any tips you deem suitable. I thought it was a good way to support the local students (as most of them are students) and encourages entrepreneurship. 

 We started our tour at 10.30am at Town Hall Square and there were quite a few Singaporeans on this tour as well.

The CBD area of Sydney.


After the tour, we went to eat some snacks from the local market.

 In the evening, W brought me to Max Brenner Chocolate Bar near our hotel as he kept raving how good the chocolates are! Indeed, I enjoyed it!

Max Brenner Chocolate Bar
Address: Metcentre, MG24/273 George St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Phone:+61 2 9251 7788
Hours: 7:30am –11pm
Website: http://www.maxbrenner.com.au/

Day 3

Day 3 was spent walking around Paddington Market and we randomly walked into this breakfast cafe (unfortunately we could not remember the name) where we had one of the best western breakfast ever in our lives! Not kidding!

We did not take many photos as it was rainy and cold.

Day 4

W brought me to this breakfast place, Pancakes On The Rocks as according to him and his cousin who studies in Sydney, it is highly raved.

 Pancakes is their specialty, as you might have guessed from the name. We went to the main branch on the rocks, but I still prefer the breakfast yesterday.

Pancakes On The Rocks
Address: 4 Hickson Rd, The Rocks NSW 2000, Australia
Phone:+61 2 9247 6371
Hours:  Open 24 hours
Website: www.pancakesontherocks.com.au/

We explored the Opera House area.

 The weather was perfect!

Our pork knuckle dinner which was too huge for one!

Day 5

We went to the Sydney Fish Market.

 The food was pretty good though not fantastic. Perhaps I should order grilled rather than deep fried. We had the best frozen yogurt though!

Sydney Fish Market
Address: Bank St & Pyrmont Bridge Road, Sydney NSW 2009, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9004 1100
Website: http://www.sydneyfishmarket.com.au/home

We strolled down to the University of Sydney.

Our dinner where the portion was too huge.

Day 6

Goodbye Sydney. You have one of the best sushi ever!