Must-have Items for My Newborn Baby

Welcoming a newborn baby home can be very stressful, especially for first-time parents. I remember the weeks leading to my EDD, I was worried if we have enough items to prepare for the arrival of our newborn. Thankfully, my friend shared with me a checklist to follow. which I have modified according to my experiences.

The items listed below are all the items I used. Some are optional but most are necessary. My suggestion is, you will gradually know what are the items you need after the baby is born, so do not need to be anxious and fall for the marketing gimmick targeted at first time parents. Besides, I find that many items are cheaper online than in stores or baby fair! Plus, many do free delivery which is much needed for heavy items like diapers and prams!

I have attached the list in PDF format for easy use as a checklist!

Clothes & Accessories

5 rompers (short sleeve)   Nanny washes clothes daily hence didn’t need a lot.
3 pyjamas  (long sleeve and long pants) Long sleeve and pants recommended if baby is sleeping in air-con room. Otherwise can just swaddle over short sleeve rompers.
5 pairs mittens and socks  
5 small handkerchiefs (for burping)    
5 baby bibs Not so important for newborn as they don’t drool yet.
2-3 receiving blanket/ swaddle   Muslin wrap is recommended.
Preferred brand: Love to swaddle
Baby laundry detergent Preferred brand: Babience and Kodomo
Laundry hanger with clipsEasier to clip baby clothes than to hang with hangers due to the small size. Get as many clips as possible!
Image result for ikea hanging dryer with clips"
This IKEA hanger with 38 clips is so useful for drying baby clothes (for my small 92 sq meters HDB flat)! Unless you have a huge space, I strongly recommend this over drying racks which need to be placed on the floor.
Bought 1 piece of newborn romper and about 6 pieces of 0-3 month rompers. The rest of the clothings were hand me down. Also don’t need to get newborn size, my baby couldn’t fit into that!

Bath & Diaper Changing

2-3 bathing towels  
2 wash cloth
Body soap and shampoo Preferred brand: Young living
Hospital bag has lots of samples which can last more than a month. Can buy after trying the samples. Babies don’t use a lot of soap.
Body lotion Preferred brand: Ceradan
Read my eczema cream post here
Cotton balls Any brand will do. For cleaning eyes.
Diaper rash cream Preferred brand: Mustela for normal preventive use, Desitin if there is rashes.
Wet wipes Preferred brand: Jeju wet wipes
Disposable diapers Preferred brand: Peekaboo (soft and leak proof) and drypers touch (more wallet friendly)  
Hospital will be giving one pack upon discharge. No need to buy too many in case baby sensitive to certain brands.
Alcohol swabs For umbilical cord cleaning (hospital will be giving some which should be sufficient)
Bath tub Hospital might give
Changing mat Hospital gave free two mats
Yuyee oil Optional

For feeding

Feeding bottles Current brand: Avent
Never try other brands before.
Bottle brush Usually comes with newborn bottles set
Bottle detergent Preferred brand: Pureen
Steriliser There are 3 types of sterilizers:  Steam, UV and tablet. Tablet is too troublesome. Recommend steam or UV. Read my post on why I don’t recommend Avent brand. Can also do the traditional method: pour hot water over the bottles.
Electric bottle warmer Optional. Highly recommended to get as it is very convenient. However, can also do the traditional method. Pour hot water in a cup to warm bottle.
Thermal flask To store hot water to warm breastmilk, or make formula milk on the go.
Formula powder container For formula fed babies. To bring formula powder out.
Thermal bag & ice pack To bring breastmilk out. Got mine from Daiso

For sleep

Baby cot, mattress and linen sheets (bumper is optional)   Or   Playpen Personal preference to get cot or playpen.   Some parents do not buy any as they choose to co-sleep.
Beansprout pillow Good for reducing startle reflex
Baby easily startled in his sleep and he didn’t like to be swaddled. This beansprout pillow reduces his startle.

For commute

Pram Preferred brand: Combi for lightweight and sleek design, baby yoyo-inspired for compact cabin stroller (can be found on ezbuy, shopee).
Carrier Preferred brand: Soul Anoona and Tula free to grow
Car seat Optional

For breastfeeding

Breast pump Preferred brand: Spectra
Spectra S1 for daily use, S9+ for on the go.
Breast pump flange Maymom
Nursing bra For easy breastfeeding. Got mine from Qoo10. Good and cheap.
Breast pad Optional
Nursing cover Hospital gave two free covers
Breastfeeding pillow Optional. It was helpful during my first 2 months of breastfeeding.
Preferred brand: My breast friend
Breastmilk storage bags/ containers Bags take lesser space, can buy after supply stabilises.
Free nursing cover from hospital. Good coverage and not too hot for baby!


Rocker/ bouncer Optional although I think bouncer helps prevent flat head.
Playmat Newborns don’t really play yet but a playmat will be needed soon anyway.
Preferred brand: Parklon
Nail scissors Preferred brand: Pigeon
Thermometer I use Guardian oral thermometer. Cheap and good. Infrared thermometer is not accurate, newborns can just measure under armpit.
Pacifier Optional
He really loves his bouncer!

Next, I have also included items which I think are not needed and are waste of space and money.

Clothes & Accessories

Beanie Babies hate to have things on their head and Singapore is too hot for that. Even in air-con places, most babies do not need beanie. Hospital will be giving one.
Laundry softener Why introduce more chemicals to the baby?
We thought that the beanie was cute and afraid he might be cold with the air-con, but almost got him suffocated. In the middle of the night, the beanie dropped and covered his face. He was too young to remove it and cried. I was dead tired and couldn’t hear him. Luckily the husband heard and rescued him. Thank god!

Bath & Diaper Changing

Baby massage oil I use body lotion as massage oil. Read my post on why baby oil is harmful.
Baby powder Dangerous! Baby can breathe in the powder and cause irritation. Talc containing powder is also carcinogenic.
Hair comb Baby hair so little, can just use fingers to brush.
Non-slip mat for bath tub   Just hold your baby during bath! Never leave baby unattended even for one second. Babies can drown in 5 cm deep water!
Diaper organiser/ holder Just use any recyclable box or basket. Nobody got time to organise diapers!
Changing table Babies will outgrow this very fast. Before you know it, diaper changing is a WAR!

For feeding

Thermal travel Bottle warmer I prefer the traditional way: bring thermal flask and container. Just pour hot water into container to warm.

For sleep

Pillow, bolster, blankets, soft toys   SIDS risk. I only swaddle baby and give one beansprout pillow.

For breastfeeding

Nipple cream Breastmilk is the best nipple cream! I got some free samples from hospital which was more than enough for my nipple crack.

Baby Fell From Bed :(

It is unfortunate that I am writing this post as baby fell from bed… again. 😦

The first time he fell, he was only 5 weeks old. I felt so terrible and lousy as this happened after the nanny left not long ago. I felt very unqualified as a mother and broke down crying with him. While waiting for the doctor, I kept googling on what happens when a baby falls as I fear for brain damage.

How’s my new eyeshadow?

To summarise, babies are stronger than we think they are. Unless the fall is rather high, 1 metre and above, usually it is exterior injury. Most babies fall from sofa or bed, so it is not as bad as we think.

After baby falls, try not to be panic as babies react according to our expressions too.

First, quickly check for visible signs of injuries such as bleeding or bruises. If baby is unconscious, vomits or bleeding profusely, go to A&E immediately.

Next, try to calm baby down by hugging and carrying him.

Third, move baby’s limps to check for any fractures and the eyes to see if baby is sensitive to light. Again, if baby shows signs of distress, send to A&E immediately.

The signs to look out for, within 72 hours of fall, to determine if baby needs to see doctor:

1. Vomiting (this shows possible brain damage)

2. Unconsolable cries

3. Excessive drowsiness/sleepiness (refused to wake up and play)

4. Fever

If baby has any of the above signs, bring to A&E immediately.

After a few experiences of fall, the above are what different pediatrics told us.

As much as we try to prevent falls, accidents do happen so don’t be too hard on yourself! After the first fall, whenever I place baby on bed to change diapers, I never leave him unattended. This time, even though I was next to him, he flipped and dived head down to the floor. So fast that I couldn’t catch him even though I was just next to him.

I guess the best prevention is not to put on bed at all.

P.S. falls are considered as accidents so do claim from personal accident insurance if you decided to see a doctor!

P.P.S. I got so many stares when I brought baby out. As if he looks very ugly, I abuse him or I did a lousy job. Guess his bruise looked really bad. This random lady came to me and said “I will never let this happen to my grand daughter. She is so precious to me”. I gave a fake smile, in my heart thinking “you think my son is not precious to me? What is this is a birthmark?”

My little panda

She successfully made me feel even more upset and guilty for not being able to prevent his fall. As much as I’d like to console myself that I’ve done my very best as a mother, it is hard to not self-blame. Motherhood is a job where I set extremely high expectations on myself, which I believe many mothers do so too. We just want the best for our children.

There are so many people who are too quick to assume, and too quick to judge. I hate to say this but many times, mothers are also the ones who judge fellow mothers the most. 😦

Yoga with Baby

I love yoga and it this is one simple exercise that I can do with baby. Yoga has a calming effect for babies who suffer with digestive issues or babies who have difficulties falling asleep. I find doing yoga with baby is also a good bonding session.

  1. Place baby on his back on a play mat or bed and sit in front of his feet. Look into his eyes, smile and tell him what you are going to do.
  2. Take one of baby’s feet in each of your hands. Gently push baby’s knees in towards her chest and apply gentle pressure. This is a wind relieving pose (some people believe that colic is due to excess wind in the stomach). Hold briefly and release. Repeat a few times.
  3. Place the soles of his feet together so the knees fall out to the sides. This is reclining cobbler pose. Without moving his hips, circle his legs clockwise, then anti-clockwise.

While doing step 3, you may sing the song “wheels on the bus” as you are moving his legs in a circular motion.

4. Holding both baby’s legs, open and close his legs while singing “doors on the bus go open and shut”.

5. Stretch baby’s legs towards you, pulling and then dropping them gently. Repeat a few times.

6. Place the palm of one hand on the abdomen and move in clockwise direction (for constipation) and anti-clockwise (for diarrhea). Do this while singing lullaby.

Adapted from “Mindful Mama, Happy Baby” book by Maja Pitamic & Susannah Marriott.

If you are feeling fanciful and want a core workout with baby, this are some poses you can try.

bridge pose
I have no core strength… haha
or the classic push up with my 4 months old

When all fails, do the easiest child’s pose!

Baby will still enjoy the bonding session with mummy no matter what! 🙂

How I Increase My Breastmilk Supply

Breastfeeding, in my experience, was most challenging for first time mum. I struggled with low supply and only recently managed to meet my LO’s demand. I didn’t do much research during pregnancy and wished I had known certain things earlier.

Although breastfeeding was very challenging in my initial weeks, the good news is, if you persevere on, you are likely to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It gets easier to latch on, milk supply stabilises and I enjoy breastfeeding so much that I ditch the bottles when I’m travelling with baby. I hope my sharing can encourage other low supply mums.


1. Small breasts = low milk

I didn’t expect myself to have much milk as I have small breasts. Hence I did not invest in a hospital grade pump. I should have bought Spectra S1 right from the start!

2. Never insist on skin to skin and breastfeeding in hospital

I didn’t have a good experience with Mt Alvernia. I was too drowsy from epidural so forgot to ask for skin to skin contact. On hindsight, shouldn’t the nurses be the one who offer skin to skin? After I was more awake, my LO was already taken away to NICU as he had infection. The nurses then told me that he was hungry and gave me 3 choices, Nan, Enfamil or Similac. As an exhausted and drowsy FTM, I didn’t know better and just go with their flow.

Throughout my stay, they didn’t ask if I wanted to latch. Initially I thought I can’t latch cause my LO was in NICU but then I realised this is not true. By the end of day 2, I started latching. I also saw a pacifier next to my LO so I assumed they gave him pacifier without asking me. Thankfully my LO has no nipple confusion.

In the first month, I could only pump about 60ml each session whereas my LO drank 120ml since week 2. It was quite depressing and I kept reading tips on how to increase supply. I almost resigned to my fate until I spoke to this super encouraging mummy friend whom made me determined to carry on my breastfeeding journey. At my 3rd month, I yield about 200ml and started my frozen milk stocks.

3. Top up formula without pumping

My LO sometimes cried murder after latching (despite latching for 2hours!) in the first month as I think my milk either flows too slow or insufficient. I top up formula as it was too stressful to see him cry. I know there are different stands on this. Some mums believe in no topping up but personally I was too stressed when insisted on no formula. This caused my supply to drop further.

It is ok to top up, but I should pump with every formula fed so that my body will be stimulated to produce more.

So what did I do to increase my supply?

From this (about 60 ml per session)
to a freezer full of milk…


#1 Latch/pump frequently 

This is the most important tip but most difficult to do.

I didn’t know better and was lazy. I skipped some night pumps which resulted in engorgement. Latching and pumping frequently is very important. Only when the breasts are emptied then more milk will come in.

Nowadays I latch on demand in the day (LO latch one side, I use haakaa for the other side), and pump 20-30min after every latch. In addition, I will pump every 2h in the day and 4h in the night.

(Update: some mums asked if I still pump after latching. Yes I do, very tiring but gotta persevere on for the milk supply!)

Haakaa as recommended by my wonderful nanny. This allows me to capture letdown from my other boob when LO latches on.

I also do power pump at least once a day. I usually get more supply after power pump.

I stop power pumping after my supply is established. Don’t want to risk having engorgement again.

#2 Massage and warm compress for letdown

The lactation consultant advised to massage and hand express in between pumps. Realised that this is more effective than a 30min straight pump without hand express/massage in between. Hand expression allows me to clear blocked ducts better and also very encouraging to see the milk dripping out when hand expressing. Made me want to work harder!

Massage 1 min –> Pump 10 min –> Hand express 2 min

–> Pump 10 min –> Hand express 2 min

Can vary duration depending on individual’s preference.

#3 Drink more fluids

I don’t know how much is enough but I drink one cup of water before and after pump to replenish the lost fluid. My body also feels healthier with more water intake anyway.

Green papaya fish soup, lactation tea and bubble milk tea seem to work well for me. My confinement nanny was very supportive and encouraging and made lots of soups for me.

I drink this brand.

#4 Diet

I ate oats with milk for breakfast daily but stopped after my supply is established. Oatmeal is a galactagogue (substance that promotes lactation) and also a traditional way to increase milk supply.

Other than a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables, I still try to eat steam fish daily. I’m also a sashimi lover and realised I can pump a lot more after a bowl of chirashidon. 😍😍😍 Another perfect excuse to indulge in my favourite food.

Lactation cookies and cupcakes didn’t work well for me so I gave up on that as they are costly anyway (they also use oats as part of the ingredients).

#5 Supplement

Fenugreek seems to work very well for me. Not sure if it’s a combination of the above or due to fenugreek, my supply gradually increased after starting fenugreek supplement. I’m still eating 3 times a day, 2 pills each time. I’m taking the GNC brand. My mother-in-law has been very supportive and will stock up fenugreek for me.

GNC Fenugreek

#6 Suitable flange size

This is very important but neglected by many. The standard flange size (28mm) provided by Spectra is too big for me. Pumping feels more comfortable and resulted in more yield when I got the suitable size from Maymom. Read how to check for correct flange size here.

Image credit: pupsik studio

#7 Rest

I can pump more after a good afternoon nap.

#8 Don’t stress

I get stressed initially when I see others post picture of their freezer full of milk and wonder how come I can’t build a fridge supply and instead need to top up formula?

It was when I decided to stop comparing, change my mentality to “fed is best, not breast is best” and “feed my baby, not the fridge”, I feel more at ease and supply gradually builds up.

#9 Have determination, patience and faith but don’t self-blame

It takes time but I believe that my supply will increase eventually. But if I cannot meet his demand even after doing so, it’s alright as I know I have done my best. Some people are just not so lucky in breastfeeding while some people really have it easy without putting in much effort. My supply only comes in at day 3 (a pathetic 0.5ml after hand expressing for an hour) while my friend can pump 300ml in a session in her first week! 😆

It took me 2 months to match his demand and 3 months to finally have some extra milk to freeze. In the process dealt with engorgement, blocked ducts and inflammation. However I feel so satisfied when I see my LO happily drinking my milk filled with antibodies!

Light at the end of tunnel

From hating breastfeeding to loving it so much now. It not only gives antibodies to baby but also saves money and is super convenient. In my recent trip to Japan, I didn’t bring any bottles nor pump. I latch on the go and all I need was a nursing cover! Baby hungry? Latch. Baby tired but can’t sleep? Latch. Baby cranky? Latch! Best solution for every baby issue I face!

If you are still reading this post, good job mummy! You are determined to do something about your supply and have the perseverance to read so long! You can do it for breastfeeding too!

All the best in your breastfeeding journey, mummies! ❤

Best and Worse Products For 0-6 Months Old Baby

Baby is 6 months old! So we have just started solids and looking back, I realised I really did not buy a lot of baby products. And I am glad this way as I really hate clutters.

Since there are so many baby products out there, one may get very confused as a first-time parent. We may also get sink into the marketing gimmicks due to our excitement. So I hope this sharing helps!

These are the 5 best products that I purchased so far (1 being the best).

1. Soul AnoonA Carrier

A carrier is a must-have as it gives me the mobility (a pram can be too troublesome in crowded places)  and also a solution to cranky baby. On days when he is so cranky, I babywear him and do housework at the same time. He can sleep well in it too.

Magic spell to make baby sleep!

I wanted a carrier that can fit newborn without insert (with insert means hotter!), hence was deciding between a Tula Free to Grow, Ergo Omni 360 or this Soul AnoonA carrier. I wanted a carrier instead of a sling as carrier allows even weight distribution on both shoulders. Decided to get AnoonA as it is the cheapest (got it at $169) and the material feels the most cooling. Indeed, my baby loves the AnoonA.

2. Spectra S1 Breast Pump

Why did I not buy this right from the start?! A good hospital grade pump is a must-have for all breastfeeding mums! I used a portable Spectra S9+ pump for the first month of breastfeeding and it is not as good. I cannot control the cycle (frequency of pump), and it is also noisier.

Did not consider Medela as many mummy friends told me Spectra works better. Besides, Medela is really expensive. I get this Spectra for only $110 online! Medela is like $700+!

I like that this S1 has long battery life. I pump very frequently and it can last me for a few days before I need to charge. It also has lights which is really good when I pump at night.

The downside is that it is quite bulky and heavy. But it is ok since I’m usually at home for the first few months to build my milk supply (and I use S9+ when I’m on the go).

3. Love to Dream Swaddle

I firmly believe that this swaddle helps my baby to sleep better and also trained him to sleep through the night. After we started wearing this swaddle for him, he managed to sleep from 12.30 am to 7 am at 2 months old.

Looks quite poor thing in picture but he can really sleep well with it!

He didn’t like the normal cloth swaddle and will struggle to free his arms. This swaddle can fix his startle reflex and keep his arms in.

It is very expensive at about $40 but I would pay to buy longer sleep.

4. Sophie the Giraffe Teether

I don’t think I would buy this given the high cost for just a toy ($39.90) but A really loves this. I gave all his baby shower gifts but he only plays with this (at 1.5 months old). This has been his favourite ever since. I guess the giraffe spots attracts him and the long slender neck and legs made it easy for his little fingers to grab. Also, the long legs can reach into his inner gum, which is soothing during teething. He chews on it so much that the colours faded.

Tried giving him different teethers but this is still his favourite so far. He can self-entertain with this teether toy for the whole day (before he starts to crawl and explore the house). Never get bored of it. $39.90 to buy me a few hours a day? Awesome. It claims to be made of au natural rubber and safe food dye, though there was this article on mould growing inside the giraffe. Since it is an expensive toy and baby loves it so much, I couldn’t bear to cut to check if there is mould. I will just be extra careful and not let water sips into the hole.

5. Bouncer

This is not exactly a purchase as I (yes me!) have used it when I was a baby and my parents still kept it.

Traditional simple bouncer with just a mesh and spring.

This bouncer is really a life saver during the first 3 months when baby likes to be bounced to sleep (I thought he was too young to sleep train then). Since he could not have tummy time too long when he was so young, the bouncer was his seat as I didn’t want to let him lie flat all the time in case of flat head. He loves to be seated on the bouncer as he can see things at a different eye level. Note that it is not safe to use bouncer once baby learns to flip (even with the seat belt on).

Can see how much we used the bouncer by the amount of repair work we had…
Enjoying his swaddle and bouncer

And now for the 2 worse products that I purchased so far (1 being the worst).

1. Philips Steam Steriliser

Both the husband and I agree on this! Because it leaks water almost every time we sterilise the bottles! It made our counter top so wet and leave water stains! As if having a baby is not tiring enough, we have to keep wiping the counter top.

2. Pigeon Baby oil

I thought oil is necessary for baby massage but after a few episodes of eczema flare up, I have stopped using the oil and used baby creams for massage instead. I also later realised that it contains mineral oil, which may clog pores and cannot truly moisturise the skin.