Honest Review for Flat Head (Plagiocephaly) Baby: Should I get a Mimos Pillow?

It is one month after using mimos pillow for didi’s plagiocephaly. Time for a quick review!

First day on mimos, he was 5 months old.
After a month, Didi liking his mimos!

Sometimes he will roll out of the pillow when falling asleep but thankfully he is able to sleep on it most of the time.

Active baby!

I still try to reposition him although mimos website said it is not needed. But even if he is sleeping on his flat side, I’m not so worried as the pillow helps to spread the pressure evenly (used to sleep late cause I’d reposition him after he slept).

Physically, we don’t see much improvement except it is less pointy at the back. But I am so glad that it isn’t worsening! 😌Went to the orthotist two days back and his plagio measurement has decreased from 14 to 13mm (0mm is a perfect round head). Yay! 🤩Which means the pillow has helped to correct 1 mm!🥳🤩

Slight improvement of 1mm!

I wasn’t hoping for major correction and was just praying that it will not get worse while we wait for the helmet to be ready.

So yep, money well spent!😀 Another one more week of mimos pillow before he starts wearing helmet.

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7 Most Used Newborn Baby Products That You Never Thought Of

There are tons of baby products out there that look so cute. As parents, we love to buy things for our kids and sometimes they end up as white elephant.

I’m a minimalist even though it is hard to continue this lifestyle after the kids are born. To achieve the minimalism in me, I always ask myself “do I/ baby really NEED this?”

A newborn baby has few needs, eat, shit and sleep. So my shopping list revolve around these 3.


I believe in fed is best and not overly stress myself with exclusively breastfeeding the baby. For the first few days when baby had jaundice and I couldn’t supply him with enough milk, I chose formula.

1. Water dispenser

If you are formula feeding, get a water dispenser that comes with instant varying temperatures such as 37 deg C, 50 deg C etc. No more guessing how much hot water to add to room temperature water. My husband thanked me for this purchase. Parenthood made easy!

A water dispenser with instant varying temperatures is excellent for making formula!

2. Spectra double breast pump

Spectra heavy duty hospital grade breast pump

I learnt from my first breastfeeding experience, a hospital grade breast pump is a must as it clears milk better. Get a double pump to save time and pump both breasts simultaneously.

3. Haakaa silicone pump

Haakaa silicone pump on the right

This haakaa silicone pump is good for catching letdown when baby is latching on one side as every liquid gold is so precious!

4. My Breastfriend nursing pillow

Still on breastfeeding, this breastfeeding pillow was a wonderful support for my newborn and helped me to have better breastfeeding posture.

Baby soon outgrow it at 2 months old so getting a second hand item is cost saving.

Baby struggled less when nursing with this pillow. Photo credit: Mums & babes

5. UV steriliser

UV steriliser

I used steam steriliser for first child but hated how it always leaked water onto my kitchen counter top. Decided to invest in UV steriliser this time! It doubles as a storage for the bottles! That said, steam steriliser seems to be less harsh on the plastics as I noticed the teats broke more easily with UV than steam.

It’s a personal choice to get steam or UV steriliser but having one is a must! The conventional way of boiling bottles is too troublesome!


6. Bidet bottle

Didi had frequent pooping (3 poops in less than 10min) that resulted in bad diaper rash. It was so bad that we could see his flash. Hence we had to wash his butt instead of using wet wipe every time he pooped. It was so troublesome to bring him to the sink and this bidet bottle was a life saver!

Adjustable angle and pressure for baby’s delicate bum


7. Zipper swaddle

This zip swaddle from love to dream allowed baby to self soothe as he can access his hands. It is also very convenient to change diaper when he is sleeping as I do not need to remove him from the swaddle (can unzip from bottom) unlike the common cloth swaddle.

The snug fitting also helped him to sleep longer and better.

Ok there you go! These are my 7 most commonly used items besides the other essentials like bath soap, bath tub, milk bottles, cot and so on. Hope this article helps in your planning for baby items shopping.

Must-have Items for My Newborn Baby

Welcoming a newborn baby home can be very stressful, especially for first-time parents. I remember the weeks leading to my EDD, I was worried if we have enough items to prepare for the arrival of our newborn. Thankfully, my friend shared with me a checklist to follow. which I have modified according to my experiences.

The items listed below are all the items I used. Some are optional but most are necessary. My suggestion is, you will gradually know what are the items you need after the baby is born, so do not need to be anxious and fall for the marketing gimmick targeted at first time parents. Besides, I find that many items are cheaper online than in stores or baby fair! Plus, many do free delivery which is much needed for heavy items like diapers and prams!

I have attached the list in PDF format for easy use as a checklist!

Clothes & Accessories

5 rompers (short sleeve)   Nanny washes clothes daily hence didn’t need a lot.
3 pyjamas  (long sleeve and long pants) Long sleeve and pants recommended if baby is sleeping in air-con room. Otherwise can just swaddle over short sleeve rompers.
5 pairs mittens and socks  
5 small handkerchiefs (for burping)    
5 baby bibs Not so important for newborn as they don’t drool yet.
2-3 receiving blanket/ swaddle   Muslin wrap is recommended.
Preferred brand: Love to swaddle
Baby laundry detergent Preferred brand: Babience and Kodomo
Laundry hanger with clipsEasier to clip baby clothes than to hang with hangers due to the small size. Get as many clips as possible!
Image result for ikea hanging dryer with clips"
This IKEA hanger with 38 clips is so useful for drying baby clothes (for my small 92 sq meters HDB flat)! Unless you have a huge space, I strongly recommend this over drying racks which need to be placed on the floor.
Bought 1 piece of newborn romper and about 6 pieces of 0-3 month rompers. The rest of the clothings were hand me down. Also don’t need to get newborn size, my baby couldn’t fit into that!

Bath & Diaper Changing

2-3 bathing towels  
2 wash cloth
Body soap and shampoo Preferred brand: Young living
Hospital bag has lots of samples which can last more than a month. Can buy after trying the samples. Babies don’t use a lot of soap.
Body lotion Preferred brand: Ceradan
Read my eczema cream post here
Cotton balls Any brand will do. For cleaning eyes.
Diaper rash cream Preferred brand: Mustela for normal preventive use, Desitin if there is rashes.
Wet wipes Preferred brand: Jeju wet wipes
Disposable diapers Preferred brand: Peekaboo (soft and leak proof) and drypers touch (more wallet friendly)  
Hospital will be giving one pack upon discharge. No need to buy too many in case baby sensitive to certain brands.
Alcohol swabs For umbilical cord cleaning (hospital will be giving some which should be sufficient)
Bath tub Hospital might give
Changing mat Hospital gave free two mats
Yuyee oil Optional

For feeding

Feeding bottles Current brand: Avent
Never try other brands before.
Bottle brush Usually comes with newborn bottles set
Bottle detergent Preferred brand: Pureen
Steriliser There are 3 types of sterilizers:  Steam, UV and tablet. Tablet is too troublesome. Recommend steam or UV. Read my post on why I don’t recommend Avent brand. Can also do the traditional method: pour hot water over the bottles.
Electric bottle warmer Optional. Highly recommended to get as it is very convenient. However, can also do the traditional method. Pour hot water in a cup to warm bottle.
Thermal flask To store hot water to warm breastmilk, or make formula milk on the go.
Formula powder container For formula fed babies. To bring formula powder out.
Thermal bag & ice pack To bring breastmilk out. Got mine from Daiso

For sleep

Baby cot, mattress and linen sheets (bumper is optional)   Or   Playpen Personal preference to get cot or playpen.   Some parents do not buy any as they choose to co-sleep.
Beansprout pillow Good for reducing startle reflex
Baby easily startled in his sleep and he didn’t like to be swaddled. This beansprout pillow reduces his startle.

For commute

Pram Preferred brand: Combi for lightweight and sleek design, baby yoyo-inspired for compact cabin stroller (can be found on ezbuy, shopee).
Carrier Preferred brand: Soul Anoona and Tula free to grow
Car seat Optional

For breastfeeding

Breast pump Preferred brand: Spectra
Spectra S1 for daily use, S9+ for on the go.
Breast pump flange Maymom
Nursing bra For easy breastfeeding. Got mine from Qoo10. Good and cheap.
Breast pad Optional
Nursing cover Hospital gave two free covers
Breastfeeding pillow Optional. It was helpful during my first 2 months of breastfeeding.
Preferred brand: My breast friend
Breastmilk storage bags/ containers Bags take lesser space, can buy after supply stabilises.
Free nursing cover from hospital. Good coverage and not too hot for baby!


Rocker/ bouncer Optional although I think bouncer helps prevent flat head.
Playmat Newborns don’t really play yet but a playmat will be needed soon anyway.
Preferred brand: Parklon
Nail scissors Preferred brand: Pigeon
Thermometer I use Guardian oral thermometer. Cheap and good. Infrared thermometer is not accurate, newborns can just measure under armpit.
Pacifier Optional
He really loves his bouncer!

Next, I have also included items which I think are not needed and are waste of space and money.

Clothes & Accessories

Beanie Babies hate to have things on their head and Singapore is too hot for that. Even in air-con places, most babies do not need beanie. Hospital will be giving one.
Laundry softener Why introduce more chemicals to the baby?
We thought that the beanie was cute and afraid he might be cold with the air-con, but almost got him suffocated. In the middle of the night, the beanie dropped and covered his face. He was too young to remove it and cried. I was dead tired and couldn’t hear him. Luckily the husband heard and rescued him. Thank god!

Bath & Diaper Changing

Baby massage oil I use body lotion as massage oil. Read my post on why baby oil is harmful.
Baby powder Dangerous! Baby can breathe in the powder and cause irritation. Talc containing powder is also carcinogenic.
Hair comb Baby hair so little, can just use fingers to brush.
Non-slip mat for bath tub   Just hold your baby during bath! Never leave baby unattended even for one second. Babies can drown in 5 cm deep water!
Diaper organiser/ holder Just use any recyclable box or basket. Nobody got time to organise diapers!
Changing table Babies will outgrow this very fast. Before you know it, diaper changing is a WAR!

For feeding

Thermal travel Bottle warmer I prefer the traditional way: bring thermal flask and container. Just pour hot water into container to warm.

For sleep

Pillow, bolster, blankets, soft toys   SIDS risk. I only swaddle baby and give one beansprout pillow.

For breastfeeding

Nipple cream Breastmilk is the best nipple cream! I got some free samples from hospital which was more than enough for my nipple crack.